
Feathered Soft-edge Variable Transparency Mask with Flash: A Masking Double Whammy!

This movie requires Flash Player 9
Oh My! Do you see that awesome color effect? Watch closely and check out how just the car gets colorized with that killer blend. The trick here involves combining 2 methods of masking: Layer Mask and ActionScript Bitmap Masking. Don’t fret, I’ll show you how!

Yeah, I told you this would be awesome. In short we are using a movieclip containing an alpha gradient to reveal and image (the colored car) which itself is masked. Watch this video twice if you have to. Its all in there.

ActionScript 3 Code Used in this Video

//enable bitmap caching for both movieclips
color_mc.cacheAsBitmap = true;
mask_mc.cacheAsBitmap = true;

//tell the colored car to use the gradient clip, mask_mc, as its mask!
color_mc.mask = mask_mc;

Download Flash CS3 Source Files

Source file is now part of my Ko-fi supporter Filepack1
Donate and download: https://ko-fi.com/snorkltv ($5)

Thanks for watching. Remember to do your homework. No excuses.