

What I Learned Today
I’ve had a lot of fun experimenting with Adobe’s new Wallaby prerelease which allows you to convert Flash CS5 Fla files to iOS-friendly HTML5/JS/CSS animations. There are a few do’s and don’ts to watch out for, but this tool is going to have a large impact on a lot of developers from all backgrounds.
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Here is a little overview of what all this Molehill business is about. This is going to be a causal walk through of some of the awesome demos that are available minus the technical hooey. I’ll give you some resources to help you explore on your own as well. The deathblow has been launched;)
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This movie requires Flash Player 9 Back on topic. Got a real doozy for you today. This simple lesson can have some huge impact on the integrity of your Flash or javascript apps. I recently found out that I’ve been using a faulty random number function for ages. Take a look and see how one...
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This movie requires Flash Player 9 The first in my “What I Learned Today” category. This is one of those things I can’t believe I didn’t know sooner. With TweenLite and easeParams you can pass in additional ease values that will allow you to fine tune your Elastic and Back eases. I’ve always loved ease:Back.easeOut...
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