
Animate CC: Basic Animations

Back to Basics Module Intro

Here is a short module from my upcoming course: Animate CC for Everyone. I was tempted to get students into a fancy project early on, but had to contain myself and bring myself back to my core principles:

  • Starting slow.
  • Showing things multiple times.
  • Showing new concepts in isolation, with no distractions.
  • Hands-on repetition of new tasks.
  • I’m here to train you, not impress you.

Another thing I’ve said a few times is that I conduct my training just as I would if I was sitting next to you one-on-one. With that said, I’d make sure you can handle the basics before getting in too deep. Now isn’t the time to be pretty. We need to focus on our core!

This module covers 4 basic animations you should be able to do with ease:

  • Enter > pause > leave
  • Pulse
  • Spin
  • Erratic

Check out the module intro and work your way through all 4 lessons in this video tutorial series. I’ll provide source files below, totally free, no email or nuthin’.

Although I cover a lot that we’ve gone over before, there are some new tips and tricks you won’t want to miss.

Enter Pause Leave




This stuff may look easy, but I challenge you go through each lesson and build these animations for yourself.